Who is the HCPBA?
HCPBA currently has interests (members or potential members) in 4 counties in the hill country of South Central Texas. Our initial organization meeting was held October 16, 2000. We are incorporated in the state of Texas as a not-for-profit association as of October 16, 2000. As of September 1, 2013, we have 100 members including affiliates including 60 active (dues paying) members.
If you would like to be on our mailing list to be aware of burns that are planned or to be informed of training opportunities that come up, we can add you to our "friends" list. No dues are required, but we will not burn on your place unless you are an active member. Still, it is a good way to learn about prescribed fire and to see if you want to become an active member.
We are also a member of the Prescribed Burn Alliance of Texas in cooperation with the other PBAs in the state. Check out the PBAT website at this link: PBAT.